Monday, February 3, 2020

PRINCE2 Scenario 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

PRINCE2 Scenario 1 - Essay Example n would help in tracking processes, generating exception reports in case of failures, taking corrective actions for corresponding sub-processes and rendering appropriate feedback to authors. Proper format would also help in logging in explanations for different sub-processes, understanding the relationships between them and thereby determine what inputs and outputs each process require. 6 The Department of Education and Training (DET) is one of the largest departments of Queensland Government. Prime objective of this department is to enrich the life of the people of Queensland by involving them in a lifelong learning process by the means of education and training. The department wants to be the renowned among the Queenslanders as the prime service provider. The department also wishes to provide more advanced and attractive service to the people and want to become the first point of contact of students, parents, jobseekers, employers and community support organizations. The Department of Education and Training, in order to achieve all above mentioned objectives, has selected online media to introduce all its services and to provide all required information to the people of Queensland. The main objective of choosing online media is department want to provide an integrated view of all its activities and priorities to the internet clients. Currently the department’s websites provide all the information regarding the old Department of Employment and Training. Presently there are two websites of the department. These are and In order to modify and change this web presence department has decided to invest a lot in technology, with the objective of improving the usability, functionality of the websites. A project board has been established; where the practice manager of the department named Jason Kennelly is the executive. Department

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