Monday, February 17, 2020

Measures of Effectiveness in BP Accident Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Measures of Effectiveness in BP Accident - Essay Example Managers must always therefore monitor the functionality of a company’s infrastructure often making renovations whenever necessary. This ensures that a company has an effective and updated infrastructure. Additionally, constant supervision of the infrastructure ensures early detection of malfunctions thus instituting timely remedies. Another equally important lesson from the oil spill is the need for a functional contingency plan coupled with adequate resources to facilitate such plans in case of eventualities. The British Petroleum took long to respond to the disaster a feature that enhanced the effects of the accident. Effective contingency plan ensures that a company responds appropriately to disasters. Response to disasters includes taking responsibility where necessary thereby responding appropriately to mitigate the undesirable effects of such accidents. An appropriate contingency plan coupled with adequate financial resources enhances effectiveness of operations in a company especially in times of disasters since the company takes control of such accidents thereby limiting their effects. BP incurred immense financial loses owing to its inability to institute a timely response to the disaster. Contingency plans are dynamic in nature and would therefore provide a timely response to a calamity thereby cushio ning a company from incurring similar

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