Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Aquatic Therapy A Therapy - 1913 Words

Aquatic therapy is a therapy that is done on water instead of land. Aquatic therapy can include water weights, exercises in water, and water aerobics. Some programs will combine both land and water exercises, and other just water exercises. Aquatic therapy is taking weight off people so people are not bearing all their body weight like they are on land. Aquatic therapy can be used for many different types of illness, diseases, syndromes, disorders, pain, and musculoskeletal problems. Especially, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, low back pain. Aquatic therapy continues to be improving and is becoming more popular. So I’m going to be discussing the different types of illness, diseases, syndromes, disorders, pain, and musculoskeletal problems and explain if aquatic therapy helps manage their symptoms, or cures them. Aquatic therapy helps people with fibromyalgia deal with managing their symptoms. Fibromyalgia is a chronic disease that causes muscle fatigue, pain, and tenderness. They get stiff muscle and muscle spasms. Aquatic therapy is used to manage their pain, increase muscle strength, maintain overall functional activity, and work on fatiguing. A huge benefit with aquatic therapy with these people are they won’t get as easily fatigue in water like they do on land due to not having to carry so much weight as they move making it easier on their body. A research article from Clinical Rehabilitation in the October 2013 edition titled â€Å"The effectiveness of aquaticShow MoreRelatedAquatic Therapy : A Therapy Essay1325 Words   |  6 Pages Introduction: Aquatic therapy is a therapy that is done on water instead of land. Aquatic therapy can include water weights, exercises in the water, and water aerobics. Some programs will combine both land and water exercises, and other just water exercises. 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