Tuesday, November 19, 2019

School Bullying in California Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

School Bullying in California - Research Paper Example In this strategy just like in the jigsaw puzzle, each student’s part is essential. For example, students in a history class are divided in to may be five groups and the task being to learn about World War 2. In one jigsaw group John can be responsible in researching about the rise to power of Adolf Hitler, May assigned to cover concentration Camps, Alex to cover Britain’s role in the war, Mike to research on the contribution of the Soviet Union. Eventually every student comes back to his jigsaw group and will try to present a well-organized report to the group. Thus if a member does not like the other he cannot do well on the test that follows (Barrows, 1998). This therefore encourages listening, engagement and empathy by giving everyone an essential part to play in the academic activity. Metro Center offers technical assistance that utilizes consultation methods which builds strong-client consultation relationtionship that result in sustained change and improvement. Thus district and school representatives take an active role in coming to understand and assess their own concerns rather than having to rely solely on the knowledge and skills outside experts. The NYS Spanish Bilingual Education Technical Assistance center which is funded by the New York State office of Bilingual Education and Foreign Language studies has a goal to enhance the knowledge and competencies of parents, educators and community member implementation (Barrows, 1998). Teaching specific skills and values: The policy should target areas identified as universally to students. Skill acquisition and publication should be addressed and their roles in academic and social adult role modeling. Holding Parent meetings: Involving parents is essential. Group discussion is necessary as it conveys what the students and parents are learning. Teachers and Parents have been supporting these policies

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